Believing This Skincare Myth Is Costing You Money
We all have different needs when it comes to daily necessities, but we share a common bond regarding finances. No one likes to lose money. Choos...
Lee mas
Princeton Consumer Research (PCR) conducted an 8-week clinical study using Lorde + Belle’s Repair Serum and RegenPen™. Sixty-six participants of...
Lee masCelebrity host, women’s health & fitness advocate, and entrepreneur Brooke Burke shares her best-kept beauty secret. Orange County,...
Lee masDid you know you could be wasting your expensive skincare products? Get more out of your skincare routine with the RegenPen! Increase product ab...
Lee masHave you ever wondered why we covet wisdom but hate the inevitable aging that comes with it? Time may make us older and wiser, but the skin doesn’...
Lee masIn the age of social media, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. Skincare advertorials look more like journalism than marketing, and subr...
Lee masIn a world where the beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar empire and filled with thousands of skincare and beauty products that often prioriti...
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