If you receive an email saying your credit card payment is Declined, please Login into your account first, and then click "ACCOUNT" on the navigation:
Then, you'll see a MENU, select and click " PAYMENT METHODS" :
Then, you'll be able to EDIT or ADD a new payment method.
Normally, our system will automatically re-try the payment in a few days, but if you'd like to speed up the process, you can reach out to : Support@lordeandbelle.com and have our Customer Service mannually process the "Payment Declined" order for you right away.
If you were using other payment methods like Klarna, Paypal, Venmo, Alipay, Unionpay, and somehow Payment Failed, you can either create a new order and try again, or reach out to our Customer Service at support@lordeandbelle.com and have them help you to manually process the order with your Credit Card on file under "Payment Methods".