I don’t take collagen for vanity reasons I take collagen for my wellness and to have the ability to run, bike, hike and more! The hair, nails and skin is a great bonus!
I had been in a car accident when I was 26 and I’m 53 now and those breaks in my bones and injuries to joints is starting to show up. Most recently I could barely climb stairs my knee was so bad. I had went to my doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor and had so many tests to see why my knee was locking up and so painful. But nothing was found to be “wrong”. So I began collagen loading. And my knee pain is GONE!
My doctor told me keep up what you’re doing but I didn’t need to be told. I will never give up taking collagen daily. It’s given me my physical world back.
The convenience, the taste and the ability to bring my collagen with me anywhere is what I like about the product.
The fact it gives me back my life is what I LOVE!